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Healthy Lifestyle

How To Lose Weight: List of Best Weight Loss Tips

I feel like “how to lose weight” is consistently one of the most popular searches in the world.

Out of all things in life, being healthy and fit is at the top of the list, or at least it should be. Being healthy in all aspects of life (physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually), allows you to live as the best version of yourself.

If you are not living a healthy lifestyle or staying in shape, how can your body function correctly and do anything? Most people underestimate our health’s importance until we have a serious wake-up call or health scare. For many people, that unhealthy lifestyle starts to take a major toll on their bodies, and the feeling becomes more prominent over the years. If you are here, that means you are already taking steps to improve your health. It is not easy, but future you will be grateful!

Unfortunately, we live in a world where society says if you are not a specific size or body shape, you are less than. We do not promote anything of the like here at thebvy, these weight loss tips are simply here for you to live a healthier life on your own terms.

Even if there are things you want to change or improve about yourself, I encourage you to love all versions of yourself throughout all stages of your life.

To Lose Weight Fast May NOT Be Ideal

Though the “lose 10lbs in a week” or “lose 20lbs in a month” may sound appealing and worth the headache and torture for some, attempting to lose weight TOO fast can be a bad thing.

The always-changing trends and fad diets might sound good on paper, but what most people do not realize is they can do more harm than good. More often than not, people jump into a strict diet or workout plan full force and fall into a cycle of yo-yo dieting. (Yo-yo Dieting – losing weight then regaining it OR vice versa)

There are a ton of reasons people want to lose weight. But many people tend to struggle when it comes to eating healthy and getting in shape.

These recommended tips on how to lose weight below should help you out on your weight loss journey!


21/90 RULE

Weight Loss Tips

  • HYDRATE: I’m sure people know how crucial it is to drink water, yet most people still don’t consume enough daily. Recommended daily water intake varies per person, but the average is 2-4L a day. Water has zero calories and can boost your metabolism, curb your appetite, and help rid the body of toxins. *It helps if you drink a glass before each time you eat, it fills you up and causes you not to consume as much food.
  • BALANCED & HEALTHY EATING: Eating healthy should be a no-brainer when it comes to trying to lose weight. Restraining yourself from junk food can be hard, but you need to form some type of discipline when it comes to eating. Having a balanced diet is very important to get all the different nutrients needed. Balanced, healthy eating can help manage weight, as well as improve mood and energy levels. 
  • EXERCISE: Exercise is essential if you want to lose weight. Working out regularly improves your overall health and decreases the risks of health problems. Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand when it comes to losing weight. *Keep in mind you don’t necessarily have to do vigorous, intense exercises; walking, yoga, and other low-impact workouts are effective as well.
  • BE ACTIVE: Yes, being active goes along with exercise, but it’s not what you think. When I say be active I simply mean park in the back of the parking lot, take the stairs more, or stretch while you are watching TV. Doing little things like this daily can make a huge difference in the long run. Staying active throughout the day can improve sleep quality, overall health, and body function. 
  • GET ENOUGH SLEEP: Lack of sleep has been shown to increase your appetite and decrease the number of calories burned due to limited energy. Being sleep-deprived can negatively affect your metabolism and ability to exercise sufficiently. Getting enough sleep enhances one’s physical activity and reduces stress (stress can lead to overeating).
  • MOTIVATION: Motivation is essential to have when tackling anything in life. Being motivated to do something gives you the drive and encouragement to accomplish your goals. Striving to lose weight is not an easy thing to do for a lot of people which is why staying motivated is imperative.
  • SELF-DISCIPLINE: Having self-discipline is very important to thrive in life. Remaining disciplined like sticking to a routine or limiting distractions will further your chances of accomplishing your weight loss goals. Being self-disciplined will help you make the right choices when your motivation is low and temptation is high. 
  • RAW FOODS / RAINBOW: Eating raw foods should be one of your main goals since they are full of essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants and have little to no calories; all of which contribute to weight loss. Eating fruits and vegetables is a win-win if you ask me. They taste delicious and yet they are some of the healthiest things you can eat. *Eating rainbow means consuming a variety of different colors and types of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. 
fruits-vegetables-healthy foods-raw foods-basket
  • CALORIE CALCULATOR: Here is a calorie calculator to help give you an idea of how many calories to eat and how often to work out in order to gain, maintain, or lose weight. Again, this is just to help give you a general idea of things. This is an online calculator and it obviously can’t factor in specifics to you, your health, your limitations, your dietary needs or restrictions, and so on.
  • KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL: Keeping track of what and when you eat, will help you manage your eating. A food journal will help establish your eating habits that have a positive or negative effect on your body. You can see where you can do better and what you can change. It’s good to keep a food journal, whether it’s an app on your phone or a physical journal.  
  • 21/90 RULE: The 21/90 rule means it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days for that habit to become a part of your lifestyle. The 21/90 rule can be used for almost anything, especially for developing healthy eating and exercise habits. 
  • RESEARCH: A lot of people may come across a trending diet or workout and immediately throw themselves into it without doing any further planning or research. The thing is, everyone is different and certain things that work for some people may not work for others. A ton of things come into play including body type, genetics, health issues, dietary needs, and restrictions, all of which differ your weight loss journey from others. Please do your research!
    • Doing something you know nothing about may make matters worse or at the very least give you zero results to where you lose motivation and won’t make any more attempts for the unforeseeable future.
  • TEA: Most basic teas are beneficial as well. Green tea with honey and lemon supports weight loss because it increases your metabolism and helps with the fat-burning process. There are also a ton of weight loss, cleansing, and detox teas that can help further your weight loss journey.
  • VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS: Vitamin deficiencies are pretty common, but most people are not aware of their own. Vitamins do not necessarily help you lose weight directly, but they provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Supplements help ensure you consume the appropriate amount of nutrients and help manage your weight.
  • PORTION SIZES & HUNGER CUES: It has been shown that people will eat more food if given larger portions and offered seconds. Making your plate with a reasonable amount and putting food away before initially eating will help refrain you from eating excessively.
  • COMFORT FOODS TRADE: If there are unhealthy “comfort foods” you find yourself snacking on all the time, it would be a good idea to find healthier alternative options. Switching out some of your comfort foods can decrease unhealthy consumption while allowing you to enjoy a guilt-free snack time.
  • LESS TELEVISION: Weight gain has often been associated with a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary activity such as prolonged screen time often leads to mindless eating or overeating and negatively affects your metabolism.

Don’t be discouraged if you have been doing better but your weight hasn’t changed. If you have been working out more, sometimes your body could be losing fat while gaining muscle simultaneously and the scale won’t reflect it initially. Just keep in mind that wanting to lose weight should be less about a specific number and more about the journey. The journey where you become a more motivated and disciplined you. The journey where you may be testing your limits like you never have before and achieving whatever goals you set for yourself.

I do want to end this article by reiterating that even though we discuss weight loss, it by no means is implying that we should all strive to be smaller or a specific size. We all come in different shapes and sizes and one person’s healthy and happy can look completely different on someone else.

I hope these tips are helpful on your weight loss journey! Let me know in the comments below if you have tried any of these tips yourself or have any ideas not listed here!


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