
I AM Equal Parts = Lazy Day Enthusiast + Traveler/Adventure Seeker

About thebvy

I created thebvy to be a safe place for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle and be the best version of themselves. I hope this blog is somewhere you can go to learn, be inspired, become motivated, feel understood and included. Along with lifestyle and self-care topics, I will discuss other topics like certain things in my life, books and current reads, writing, and traveling.


  • Becomes a safe haven for my fellow introverts out there who love to read, write, and travel – DREAMERS & WANDERERS
  • Gets you one step closer to FINDING, LEARNING, and LOVING yourself, while on track to pursue a healthier, versatile lifestyle and BECOMING A BETTER VERSION OF YOU.

Everybody is different. So something that does miracles for some, may have the opposite effect on others. thebvy will be filled with info, facts, ideas, and experiences, on a variety of different lifestyle things for people to find what works best for them on this journey we call life.

We are all struggling in our own way whether we feel lost, hopeless, or even just stagnant in life. Know you are not alone. Aside from travel, reading+writing, thebvy will also address things like self-care, healthy eating, fitness, mental health, and living on a budget…. basically, all the things that contribute to a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle. (I am currently creating a blog section for those of you who want to know how I started my blog and how you can too)

This is not a strict by the book “do it this way or your a failure” blog. thebvy is all about finding what works best for you, your unique needs and wants.

thebvy believes in BALANCE. While we encourage you to be healthy, we 100% believe in indulging in the sweeter, riskier things every now and then. (;

This blog is still pretty new, so pretty please stick around and give her a chance. (:

PS: Even though thebvy is about becoming a “better” version of you, doesn’t mean you can’t love yourself where you are currently at. Love and embrace yourself at all stages of life, even if there are things you don’t like. Appreciate your journey… the good AND the bad makes you who you are.