jet lag - airplane window

How To Conquer Jet Lag Fast With These Essential Travel Tips (Migraine Prevention)

Welcome, fellow globetrotters, to a journey of boundless adventure and wanderlust with these amazing jet lag tips! As people who traverse the world, we know the exhilaration of exploring new cultures, savoring exotic cuisines, and soaking in breathtaking landscapes. Yet, amidst our adventures, there’s a formidable foe that often lurks in the shadows, threatening to dim our sparkle: jet lag.

As someone who just made a trip to London last month (8hr+ flight both ways with a 4hr time difference from my home), jet lag is fresh on my mind. I have been blessed enough to travel occasionally throughout my life so I am no stranger to jet lag. As someone who also suffers from migraines, jet lag is something I have done extensive research on over the years considering that a lot of jet lag symptoms can trigger migraines. In fact, I have become an expert of sorts on how to prevent the severity of jet lag and how to treat it and adjust as quickly as possible.

Fear not, for in this guide, we’re unlocking the secrets to conquer jet lag and reclaim our vitality. These tips will ensure every journey is as invigorating as it is unforgettable and when we get back home we can jump right back into the day-to-day.

Tips To Conquer Jet Lag

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

Stay Hydrated

Aim For Overnight Flights

Stay Active

Adjust The Time On Your Watch

Soak In Natural Sunlight

Try Not To Nap

Melatonin Supplements

Eat Healthy (Fruits + Vegetables + Lean Protein)

Exercise Regularly

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Listen To Your Body Cues + Rest When Needed

Create A Calming Bedtime Routine

Stay Patient And Give Yourself Time To Adjust

Steps To Conquer Jet Lag

  1. Pre-Flight Preparation:
    • Adjust your sleep schedule a few days before departure to align with your destination’s time zone.
    • Stay hydrated in the days leading up to your flight to combat dehydration during travel.
    • Opt for overnight flights to mimic your regular sleep pattern, especially for long-haul journeys.
  2. In-Flight Rituals:
    • Stay active during the flight with light stretching or short walks to improve circulation and reduce stiffness.
    • Set your watch to the destination time upon boarding and adjust your activities accordingly to mentally prepare for the new time zone.
    • Hydrate continuously during the flight by drinking water and avoiding excessive caffeine or alcohol intake.
  3. Arrival Strategies:
    • Upon arrival, expose yourself to natural sunlight to reset your internal clock and signal to your body that it’s time to wake up.
    • Resist the temptation to nap immediately; instead, engage in light activities to stay awake until bedtime in the local time zone.
    • Consider using melatonin supplements under the guidance of a healthcare professional to aid in adjusting to the new sleep schedule.
  4. Healthy Habits:
    • Prioritize nutritious meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to fuel your body and support recovery from jet lag.
    • Incorporate regular exercise into your travel itinerary to boost energy levels and promote restful sleep.
    • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing to unwind and alleviate stress, facilitating better sleep quality.
  5. Mindful Rest and Recovery:
    • Listen to your body’s cues and allow yourself to rest when needed, whether it’s a short power nap or an early bedtime.
    • Create a calming bedtime routine with soothing activities like reading or gentle stretches to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.
    • Stay patient and give yourself grace as you adjust to the new time zone, knowing that with time, your body will acclimate and regain its rhythm.
jet lag - time difference

Additional Jet Lag Tips For Migraine Prevention

  1. Pre-Flight Precautions:
    • Consult with your healthcare provider before traveling to discuss migraine management strategies and potential adjustments to your medication regimen.
    • Pack a migraine relief kit in your carry-on bag, including medications prescribed by your doctor, as well as essentials like pain relievers, anti-nausea medication, and an eye mask to block out light during migraine attacks.
  2. In-Flight Comfort:
    • Create a migraine-friendly environment by wearing noise-canceling headphones and using a neck pillow or eye mask to minimize sensory triggers.
    • Stay hydrated and avoid triggering foods such as processed snacks, caffeine, and alcohol, opting instead for light, easily digestible meals to reduce the risk of migraine onset during the flight.
  3. Coping Strategies:
    • Practice relaxation techniques such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation to alleviate stress and tension, which can trigger migraines.
    • Use cold packs or a cooling towel to soothe head pain during migraine attacks, and consider carrying a portable fan to regulate temperature and provide comfort.
  4. Post-Flight Recovery:
    • Prioritize rest and hydration upon arrival to mitigate the risk of migraine onset, especially if you’ve experienced disrupted sleep patterns due to jet lag.
    • Gradually reintroduce your regular routine, including meal times, sleep schedule, and medication regimen, to minimize potential triggers and promote stability.
  5. Seek Support:
    • Inform your travel companions or airline staff about your migraine condition, so they can provide assistance and accommodations as needed during the journey.
    • Connect with local healthcare resources or telemedicine services at your destination in case of severe migraine episodes requiring medical attention or prescription refills.

Dear fellow adventurers, I hope these tips serve as your compass on your next escapade, guiding you through the twists and turns of jet lag. By integrating these migraine-specific tips into your travel plan, you can navigate jet lag with greater ease and enjoy your adventures with fewer interruptions.

Remember to prioritize self-care and listen to your body’s needs, allowing yourself the time to rest and recharge as you explore the wonders of the world.

Safe travels, and may your journeys be filled with joy, discovery, and moments of pure serenity.

Where did you travel to the last time you had jet lag? What are some of your jet lag tips that aren’t on this list? Let us know in the comments!!


  • karen

    I hate hate hate jetlags so much and because I travel a lot between Europe and the US, it is always a challenge. Thanks a lot for the tips, they’re great.

  • Tammy

    I’ve never had to deal with jet lag but from what I’ve heard it is not fun. Thanks for sharing how to deal with it!

  • Cindy

    I’ll definitely be incorporating these strategies into our family routines. Managing jet lag has always been a struggle, so I’m eager to tackle it head-on with these techniques!

  • Lavanda Michelle

    I really appreciate the insight and practical advice you’ve provided. Adjusting sleep schedules, staying hydrated, and incorporating relaxation techniques are definitely strategies I’ll be implementing on our next family adventure.

  • Beth

    We’re planning a trip overseas, and this is going to be such a huge help! Jet lag always kicks my butt, so I’m excited to use these methods.

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