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Healthy Lifestyle

How To Have A Healthy, Balanced and Flourishing Lifestyle

One of the main reasons I created thebvy was for people to have access to the information they need to create a healthy lifestyle specific to themselves. Despite what some people think, you don’t have to become this huge health nut with a super strict outlook on everything in order to be healthy at all times.

In order to have a healthy lifestyle, BALANCE IS KEY. So being healthy does include a little “unhealthiness” every now and then. (;

Making a change in your life can be difficult. Unlearning old habits in order to make new healthy ones is no walk in the park. I mean let’s be honest, what sounds more fun… going outside for a run in questionable weather or ordering some food and binge-watching your favorite show?

We’re humans, so of course, you’ll sometimes succumb to the temptation of making unhealthy decisions. However, if you manage your eating, exercising, and mental health, among other things, you are on track to a healthy lifestyle and future.

A healthy lifestyle is vital in giving you that extra energy and the right mindset to go about your day in the most productive, efficient, beneficial, “feel-good” way. Improving your health by making adjustments can be beneficial to your mind, body, self-esteem, image, and environment.

Benefits of A Healthy Lifestyle

  • Gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction
  • Improves your mood
  • Prompts you to feel better about yourself (self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth)
  • Lengthens lifespan
  • Limits health problems
  • Improves physicality
  • Good for your environment
  • Saves money
  • Improves Memory
  • Better sleep
  • Prevents health issues
  • Increases energy

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

  • DRINK MORE WATER: Water is essential to our health, and most people do not drink enough. Our body expels water daily so we have to constantly replace it. The amount of water needed varies with each person but is usually between 2-3L a day.
  • GET ENOUGH SLEEP: Not getting enough sleep leaves you tired and sluggish and causes you not to be as productive, effective, and aware throughout the day. *Less sleep can actually lead to eating more junk food
  • EXERCISE: It is recommended to AT LEAST get a moderate workout a few days a week. Any type of movement is better than nothing. Exercising is beneficial in more ways than one. Lowering health risks, reducing sitting time, and relieving stress and tension, are just a few.
fruit-water bottle-healthy lifestyle
  • HEALTHY EATING: Small things like taking your time to eat and avoiding trigger foods will go a long way. More fruits and vegetables and less processed foods should be your main goal. Having healthy snacks readily available and choosing low-calorie and low-fat options are other things you can do to get you on track to healthy eating habits.
  • POSITIVE PEOPLE: Avoiding negative people and having a good, strong social network in your life can give you stability and a better mindset. Part of living a healthy lifestyle is a positive outlook and mentality. Being surrounded by negativity can hinder you greatly, LET THEM GO. If you don’t have any good role models and mentors in your life right now, you should consider getting a few.
  • CHALLENGE YOURSELF: Challenging yourself throughout life will allow you to grow with more knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Doing so will improve your mindset, intelligence, and physicality, and allows you to live your life to the fullest. Sometimes being content is not a good thing, not challenging yourself can limit you from your best life.
  • PRACTICE GOOD SELF-CARE & HYGIENE: Having good hygiene or practicing good self-care should not be a chore. These things are vital to living a healthy lifestyle.
  • HAVE A GOOD MORNING & NIGHT ROUTINE: A good routine allows you to start and finish the day in the best, most productive way. Giving yourself time to do meaningful things every day will be very beneficial to your health and success.
  • MINDFUL USE OF ALCOHOL: All I’m going to say is partake in moderation. Large, consistent amounts of alcohol can be extremely harmful to your health.
  • REDUCE SCREENTIME: TAKE A BREAK FROM SOCIAL MEDIA. Which is easier said than done for some people, I know. Copious amounts of social media consumption are very unhealthy, especially with how toxic it is these days.(I’m personally not really a social media person, my kryptonite is finding a good show to watch which then leads me into a binge-watching mode where nothing else gets done until I finish the show.)
    • Try to avoid news overdose as well. Obviously, it’s good to stay informed on what’s going on in the world, but sometimes it can be extremely overwhelming and have a negative effect on your mental health.
  • PLAN AND PRIORITIZE: Making a to-do list and prioritizing important or necessary tasks will improve your productivity. Checking things off your to-do list throughout the day can be extremely satisfying and increase productivity.
  • SET GOALS: Setting goals allows you to maintain your focus and helps guide you to success. Having goals gives you direction in living the life you have always wanted. Accomplishing your goals will better your lifestyle, help track your progress, and increase your abilities, experiences, and momentum in life.
  • POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT: Living in a positive environment will help keep you in the right mindset and increase your motivation and productivity. A healthy environment does not just involve surrounding yourself with positive people, but it also includes keeping a clean and organized space. An organized space can decrease stress and increase productivity.
  • PUT YOURSELF FIRST: It is important to do what is best for you. Stay mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Acknowledge your likes and dislikes or strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about yourself, so you can be more in tune with yourself and accommodate your needs and wants better.

There is no one certain way for all, to have a healthy lifestyle. In other words… for one person it can be this and for someone else, it can be that.

A healthy, balanced, flourishing lifestyle essentially means being the best version of yourself.

That means keeping up with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, along with the other tips stated above. When it comes to making changes in your lifestyle, take baby steps.

Once you become a healthier version of yourself, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle by feeding your mind, body, and soul with your NEEDS, and occasionally balancing things out with your WANTS.

I will touch on these in more detail in future posts, but this should give you a foundation to start with.

If you are about to change your lifestyle or are currently on your journey, let us know your goals and experiences in the comments!

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9 months ago

I definitely need to exercise more, I know it will help a lot in boosting my productivity. I will start by walking for a few minutes daily…

Yeah Lifestyle
Yeah Lifestyle
9 months ago

Some amazing tips here! Having a balanced and healthy lifestyle affects us as a whole. I am bookmarking this list as a reminder as I sometimes forget to do all of these

Lavanda Michelle
Lavanda Michelle
9 months ago

As a mom, finding that balance can be tricky, but your reminder that it’s okay to indulge every now and then is reassuring. It’s all about those baby steps, right?

9 months ago

Nothing tops the feeling of feeling healthy and that encourages you to make healthier changes when you start to feel and see those benefits!

9 months ago

Great tips here! The things you put into your body daily really do have the biggest impact!

Melissa Cushing
Melissa Cushing
9 months ago

These are fabulous tips for sure and spot on too! I love workign out and I do try and workout Monday through Friday each week for at least 30 minutes. I also love taking my dog on long fast walks too. The tips for staying hydrated and rinking lots of water is perfect too and I easily drink two bottles while doing my workouts and then another 2 throughout the day. Love these tips and I alwasy sleep with no issue so I am good there too! Sleep is so important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

Jupiter Hadley
Jupiter Hadley
9 months ago

Getting enough sleep is easier said then done! I always feel like there is just so much to do throughout the day…

9 months ago

I’d like to switch to less processed food. Since my teen got a job we’ve been eating out more than usual because he’s tired after work and it’s late.

Natasha Mairs
Natasha Mairs
9 months ago

These are absolutely amazing tips and each one so important. I find that even just walking to my local shop and back each day, can lift my mood and keep me in shape.

9 months ago

These are such great tips! I’ve been trying to eat a more well-balanced diet, and I’ve been having some trouble finding enough of the right foods to get all the vitamins and minerals I need.

Deanna | Life By Deanna
Deanna | Life By Deanna
2 years ago

Putting yourself first is a good one! You need to take care of yourself in order to live a healthy life 🙂

2 years ago

You have a great list of how to have a healthy balanced, and flourishing lifestyle! I agree about how balancing your life is so important. Lately, I need to reduce my screentime and reading too much news.

Fransic verso
Fransic verso
2 years ago

I do try to put myself first but sometimes I can’t do it haha. Thank you for sharing these awesome tips!

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