
Travel: Most Popular Travel Destinations of 2023

I don’t know about you, but travel has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was little I would constantly say I want to travel the world, and those words still hold true to this day. I decided to look over the travel trends last year and see what destinations were on people’s bucket lists.

2023 was a year to turn those travel dreams into reality, and I’ve got the list of the must-visit destinations of 2023 just for you. Whether people were looking for adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, these spots had them booking flights faster than you can say “passport stamp.” So grab your friends, your camera, and your sense of adventure—let’s dive into the top places you absolutely need to explore this year!

Below I have listed the top 10 travel destinations of 2023 along with a detailed overview including their population, tourist numbers, reasons for visiting, and a fun fact!

Top 10 Destinations of 2023

Istanbul, Turkey

Population: ~15.5 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~14.7 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. Famous for landmarks like Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and the Grand Bazaar.

Fun Fact: Istanbul is the only city in the world that straddles two continents, Europe and Asia.

London, U.K

Population: ~9 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~21.7 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Iconic landmarks like the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and the British Museum. A hub for culture, history, and entertainment.

Fun Fact: London has over 170 museums, making it one of the museum capitals of the world.

Dubai, UAE

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Population: ~3.5 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~16.7 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Luxurious shopping, ultramodern architecture, and vibrant nightlife. Home to the Burj Khalifa and extravagant malls.

Fun Fact: The Dubai Mall has an indoor ski slope and a giant aquarium.

Antalya, Turkey

Population: ~1.3 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~12.4 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Beautiful beaches, ancient ruins, and luxury resorts. Known as the “Turkish Riviera.”

Fun Fact: Antalya’s old town, Kaleiçi, still retains its ancient city walls.

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Paris, France

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Population: ~2.2 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~19.1 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Romance, art, fashion, and cuisine. Iconic sights like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Fun Fact: There are more dogs in Paris than children.

Hong Kong

Population: ~7.5 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~29.2 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Skyscrapers, shopping, and a blend of Eastern and Western cultures. Famous for Victoria Peak and bustling markets.

Fun Fact: Hong Kong has the most skyscrapers in the world, with over 300 buildings taller than 150 meters.

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Bangkok, Thailand

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Population: ~10.7 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~22.7 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Vibrant street life, ornate temples, and delicious food. Highlights include the Grand Palace and floating markets.

Fun Fact: Bangkok’s full ceremonial name is the longest city name in the world.

New York, U.S.

Population: ~8.3 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~66.6 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Iconic landmarks like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. Known for its cultural diversity and entertainment.

Fun Fact: The New York City subway system has 472 stations, more than any other subway system in the world.

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Cancún, Mexico

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Population: ~900,000

Number of Tourists per Year: ~6 million

Reason People Like to Visit: Stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and proximity to Mayan ruins. Popular for its all-inclusive resorts.

Fun Fact: Cancún was a sleepy fishing village before it was developed into a tourist destination in the 1970s.

Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Population: ~2 million

Number of Tourists per Year: ~20 million (mostly religious pilgrims)

Reason People Like to Visit: Spiritual significance as the holiest city in Islam. Pilgrims visit for Hajj and Umrah.

Fun Fact: Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering Mecca.

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These destinations offer a diverse array of experiences, making them top choices for travelers from around the globe.

I have personally traveled to 4 out of 10 of these popular destinations of 2023. I would love to cross off all the places on this list one day! From sun-kissed beaches to vibrant cityscapes, 2023 was brimming with incredible destinations waiting for people to discover. Remember, it’s never too late to go on an adventure, and now’s the perfect time to make unforgettable memories. So start planning, keep dreaming big, and don’t forget to live in the moment. Here’s to new horizons, fabulous journeys, and to another year of epic travels! Happy exploring!

Let us know in the comments if you have traveled to any of these destinations before or if any are on your bucket list!!

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3 days ago

I’ve been to most of these amazing places (except Mecca), they’re all amazing and a must visit a few times…I can’t wait to go again to Turkey.

Lavanda Michelle
Lavanda Michelle
4 days ago

I love planning family trips, and this is super helpful. I can’t wait to visit Ney York soon.

4 days ago

I also love traveling and always am trying to find new places! Thank you for sharing these destinations – they make for good goals.

Sue Tanya
Sue Tanya
5 days ago

Thank you for this extensive list! Dubai, Mexico and Paris are on the top of my list.

5 days ago

I would love to travel more it’s been so long since I’ve done it. What a great list and you have many places listed that I have on my bucket list!

5 days ago

What an amazing list!!! #travelgoals

Yeah Lifestyle
Yeah Lifestyle
5 days ago

I would love to travel more, I have seen a lot of places in Europe but there is so much more that I would love to explore. Travelling is something we should all do as much as possible.

6 days ago

I’ve been to NYC, so I know why that one’s on here for sure. I’d love to visit the rest!

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